
Marketing & Sales

Marketing Plan

Our marketing strategy is designed to reach our target market of health-conscious and eco-conscious consumers who are looking for delicious and sustainable food options in Bangkok. To achieve this, we plan to use a multi-channel approach that combines both traditional and digital marketing techniques.

  1. Social Media Marketing: We will use social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Tik-Tok, and Twitter to reach our target audience. We will create visually appealing content that showcases our artistically crafted delicious plant-based desserts, as well as our unique theatrical production experience. We will also engage with our audience through social media contests, giveaways and other interactive campaigns.

  2. Influencer Marketing: We will partner with relevant influencers in the food and lifestyle space to create content that showcases our products and services. These influencers will help us reach a wider audience and increase brand awareness.

  3. Content Marketing: We will create engaging and informative content through our website, blog, youtube, and email marketing campaigns. Our content will focus on educating our audience about the benefits of plant-based eating and the unique experience we offer.

  4. Event Marketing: We will host events and pop-ups at our dessert parlor and other locations to give people the opportunity to try our products and experience our unique theatrical plating. This will help us generate buzz and create a memorable experience for our customers.

  5. Advertising: We will use targeted advertising on social media platforms and Google to reach our target audience and drive traffic to our website and parlor. We also view our photo-worthy mobile food trucks and carts as a source of marketing.

  6. Public Relations: We will work with media outlets to secure coverage in relevant publications and on relevant websites, to increase the visibility of our brand and generate buzz.

All of these strategies aim to create awareness, drive traffic, and generate buzz around our brand. We will also track and analyze the results of our marketing efforts to optimize our strategy and ensure that we are reaching our target audience effectively.

Sales Plan

Our sales plan is designed to convert both people who express interest in our products and services and people who have never heard of us into paying customers. Our approach includes the following steps:

  1. Lead Generation: We will generate leads through various channels such as online advertising, social media marketing, trade shows, industry events, referrals, and good old fashioned research. We will also use email campaigns, direct mail campaigns, and cold calling to reach out to potential B2B clients.

  2. Lead Qualification: Once we have generated leads, our sales team will qualify them by assessing their interest level, budget, and decision-making authority. This will help us identify the most promising leads and prioritize them for follow-up.

  3. Lead Nurturing: For leads that are not yet ready to buy, we will use a combination of email, phone, and direct mail campaigns to keep them engaged with our brand and educate them about our products and services.

  4. Sales Calls and Meetings: Once leads are qualified and nurtured, our sales team will reach out to schedule sales calls and meetings. During these calls and meetings, the sales team will present our products, services, and unique selling points, answer any questions the leads may have, and address any concerns they may have.

  5. Proposal and Contract: After the sales call or meeting, our sales team will prepare a proposal that outlines the terms of the deal and the pricing. Once the proposal is accepted, our team will then prepare the contract for the final signature.

  6. Follow-up and Relationship Building: Once the deal is closed, our sales team will continue to follow up with the client to ensure that they are satisfied, offer support, and to identify any additional sales opportunities.

We will track and measure the success of our sales efforts by monitoring key metrics such as lead generation, conversion rates, and revenue. We will also regularly review our sales process and make adjustments as needed to optimize our sales efforts and close more deals.

Last updated